Leadership Recognition

“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”


At John Young, students have many opportunities to assume leadership roles. Our older students assist with the younger classes as lunch monitors, playground leaders/big buddies, and reading partners. Students of all ages are given the opportunity to assist with recycling as part of our Green Team. During the year, classes take on leadership roles by organizing character assemblies, outdoor events and special activities, and charity events such as the Food Drive for the Kanata Food Cupboard, the Terry Fox Run, and Jump Rope for Heart. As members of our school teams and clubs (e.g. soccer, basketball, public speaking, chess, Can-Spell contest), students compete with other schools and act as ambassadors for John Young. The leaders of our school are recognized in a variety of ways. Students who are observed doing something positive or helpful for others are given a “Gotcha” award. Students are recognized during our school character assemblies with Excellent Effort awards. Significant effort or improvement in French is recognized monthly with "Ici on parle francais” awards for our students. New this year, we are pleased to introduce the 67’s Adopt-A-School program. Students who are randomly chosen from the “Gotcha” awards are invited to attend a 67’s home game. We are fortunate to have a former captain from the 67’s, Marc Anthony Zanetti, be the school’s sponsor for this wonderful program. At the end of the year, formal awards are presented to outstanding students in several categories including the Scholastic Achievement, Award of Merit and the Athletic Award.


The staff at John Young are enthusiastic professionals. New practices, particularly in literacy, numeracy and technology, are constantly being shared in formal and informal mentoring relationships. The staff embraces professional development of all kinds. Initiatives for learning are frequently undertaken and carried out by staff members with the support of our administration. As a team, we are able to identify areas of interest and then tap 1into expertise within our school staff and beyond. Our office, library, educational assistants and custodial staff support all aspects of school life and demonstrate excellence in all that they do. Recognition for the contributions of staff is offered on our school conference, in the school newsletter, with special notes and with mention at staff meetings and School Council meetings.


Our School Council takes on many activities throughout the year, including fundraising and planning of special days such as the school barbeque and play days. Each day, parents provide support by managing our daily milk program and our weekly food days. Volunteers make themselves available to assist teachers with various activities such as one-on-one reading with students, assistance in the library, material preparation and crafts. Their contributions are acknowledged through mention in newsletters, notes home and our annual Volunteer Celebration.


We recognize our community partners through our school announcements, school newsletters, school web site, principal’s report to school council, and thank you cards. John Young E.S. is involved with the community on many levels. We have an annual barbeque that is organized by our School Council. This event is always very well attended by students, former students, parents, teachers, and members of the Glen Cairn Community. Student teachers from the University of Ottawa and the State University of New York Potsdam can be found at John Young throughout the year and several teachers mentor co-op students from A.Y. Jackson Secondary School.

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